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  • Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 1

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Episode 01: Broken Bow Episode 02: Fight or Flight Episode 03: Strange New World Episode 04: Unexpected Episode 05: Terra Nova Episode 06: The Andorian Incident Episode 07: Breaking the Ice Episode 08: Civilization Episode 09: Fortunate Son Episode 10: Cold Front Episode 11: Silent Enemy Episode 12: Dear Doctor Episode 13: Sleeping Dogs Episode 14: Shadows of P'Jem Episode 15: Shuttlepod One Episode 16: Fusion Episode 17: Rogue Planet Episode 18: Acquisition Episode 19: Oasis Episode 20: Detained Episode 21: Vox Sola Episode 22: Fallen Hero Episode 23: Desert Crossing Episode 24: Two Days and Two Nights Episode 25: Shockwave

It is a series of action and adventure that speaks of the ship, which is engaged in a different experience a century before Captain Kirk's five-year mission. Over time, Jonathan Archer led the United Earth Ship Company during the first years of Starfleet, where he wanted to take on the task of detecting that galaxy. Enterprise, the first ship of Warp 5, is officially interested in aiming to bring Klingon back to his original world Qo'noS again.

Actors: Majel Barrett, Majel Barrett 23 February 1932, Cleveland, Ohio, USA B.K. Kennelly, B.K. Kennelly Diane Klimaszewski, Diane Klimaszewski 13 September 1971, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA Mike Watson, Mike Watson Bill Cobbs, Bill Cobbs 16 June 1934, Cleveland, Ohio, USA Stephen Wozniak, Stephen Wozniak 22 January 1971, Dover, New Hampshire, USA Kiante Elam, Kiante Elam 1972 Bruce Davison, Bruce Davison 28 June 1946, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Richard Riehle, Richard Riehle 12 May 1948, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, USA Daniel Riordan, Daniel Riordan Connor Trinneer, Connor Trinneer 19 March 1969, Walla Walla, Washington, USA ...»

Genre: Drama,Action,Adventure

Director: David Livingston, Allan Kroeker, Michael Vejar, Roxann Dawson, David Straiton, LeVar Burton, James L. Conway, James A. Contner, Robert Duncan McNeill, Michael Grossman, James Whitmore Jr., Patrick R. Norris, Marvin V. Rush, Terry Windell, Jim Charleston, Michael Dorn, Ro

Country: United States

Release: 2001

IMDb: 7.5


Duration: 60 min

Keywords: #John Billingsley #Jolene Blalock #Scott Bakula #Season 1 #Star Trek: Enterprise

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Country: Genre: Play Now';

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ACTORS OF "Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 1"

Majel Barrett 23 February 1932, Cleveland, Ohio, USA B.K. Kennelly Diane Klimaszewski 13 September 1971, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA Mike Watson Bill Cobbs 16 June 1934, Cleveland, Ohio, USA Stephen Wozniak 22 January 1971, Dover, New Hampshire, USA Kiante Elam 1972 Bruce Davison 28 June 1946, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Richard Riehle 12 May 1948, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, USA Daniel Riordan Connor Trinneer 19 March 1969, Walla Walla, Washington, USA Michael Garvey

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CRITICS OF "Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 1"

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New York Magazine/Vulture


October 27, 2017

It made the mistake of looking backward, something that has plagued the franchise ever since.

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Empire Magazine


October 24, 2017

Every Star Trek franchise has wobbled slightly before finding its feet, but none have lurched about like a drunken Gorn quite so much as Enterprise.

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The Nation


April 16, 2018

It takes Star Trek so far backward that it's like Buffy becoming a sex slave chained to a bed for the rest of her television career.

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October 24, 2017

Arguably, in the Star Trek universe, military technology is intimately linked to political ideology. And at least during the time frame of the first season of Enterprise, Starfleet appears more interested in exploration than colonization.

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Christian Science Monitor


June 28, 2018

The two-hour series première shows some promise but is strangely ham-fisted.

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October 23, 2018

The show not only gives its devoted fans what they love most -- continuity monitoring -- but rejuvenates a somewhat tired notion.

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October 27, 2017

Enterprise won't ever overcome its reputation as the series that ripped apart the fanbase.

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IGN Movies


October 24, 2017

While this could've provided a lot of interesting 'in the beginning' moments, the producers rapidly fell prey to the bad habits of previous Trek series by lazily recycling elements of previous shows instead of creating new people and places.

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New York Daily News


October 24, 2017

Star Trek will be presenting a very passionate series - and captain. As such, it ought to be an ex- tremely successful Enterprise.

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Common Sense Media


October 24, 2017

It's entertaining and spins a good yarn, but it sometimes lacks depth.

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GALLERY OF "Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 1"

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Views: 6136

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.